Capital Power Multimedia Ltd offers the best media training for government departments, parastatals and agencies in Nigeria. You can choose from online training or in-person sessions. Capital Power Multimedia Ltd Media Training for Government parastatals, departments & agencies are customised and carefully crafted to solve your exact government department media needs. We work with you to define your training objectives, training content and deliverables.

About the Training
This course is designed to teach participants how to produce photos, videos and animations and as well as deal with the news media during news conferences, news conference preparation, news interviews and news inquiries. The course teaches participants how to keep their news conferences, interviews, and messages on-track during an interview or news conference. “Breaking News” simulations will enable participants to react to crisis situations where public information needs to be distributed in the most effective manner.
After the training, the participants will be able to create contents and also distribute it improving on accountability and best practice.
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