Capital Power Multimedia Limited


Capital Power Multimedia Ltd is a multimedia production company that specializes in creating high-quality contents for businesses and organizations. We have worked with a wide range of clients across various industries including USAID, INTERSOS, European Union, Danish Refugee Council, PTDF, etc. We have a team of experienced professionals who are skilled in
using the latest technologies and techniques to deliver exceptional results

1. Video Producer

Challenge Fund for Youth Employment.

The African green transition has the potential to create a plurality of green job opportunities for African youth. But what are green jobs and how can they be a solution to youth unemployment and climate change in Africa? Capital Power Multimedia was contracted by INCLUDE in collaboration with Challenge Fund for Youth and Netherlands Ministry of International Affairs to produce the Video of a Nigerian entrepreneur and founder of Pad-Up Creations LTD, a social enterprise producing affordable and eco-friendly sanitary pads in Niger State.

2. Behavioral Change Content Creator

USAID and Ministry of Health Nigeria

Capital Power Multimedia Ltd was contracted by USAID produce contents that would interpret research documents and localize public service announcements on the 2019 verbal autopsy and social autopsy study to determine causes and determinants of deaths of neonates and children under-five years of age in Nigeria.

3. Advocacy Documentary Producer

Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria

CS-SUNN is implementing the Partnership for Improving Nigeria Nutrition System (PINNS) 2.0 project; a three-year project designed to strengthen existing nutrition multi structures and systems to be more Result-oriented, Effective, Serviceable, Efficient, and Transparent (RESET). Capital Power Multimedia Ltd was contracted to produce evidence-based advocacy documentaries that will be used to improve nutrition governance, improve funding for national nutrition multi-sector plans of action, supporting the development of Nigeria’s Nutrition Information System and strengthening Civil Society Alliances (CSAs) in Nigeria to advocate for improved nutrition and hold government accountable to commitments made towards improved nutrition and reduction in malnutrition.

4. Behavioral Change Video Producer

INTERSOS & European Union

INTERSOS is supporting the Borno State Primary Health Care Development Agency in vaccination campaign in 8 LGAs (Bama, Dikwa, Jere, Konduga, MMC, Magumeri and Ngala) across the state towards increasing vaccines uptake in the state, INTERSOS with funding from European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) contracted Capital Power Multimedia Ltd to film locations, facilities, people (including stakeholders/partners) to produce contents in local languages that will show the impact of COVID-19 on lives, businesses and activities, address myths and misconceptions regarding COVID-19 vaccines. The goal is to ensure there is social and behavioral change.

5. Audio Visual Producer

Policy and Legal Advocacy Center

PLAC contracted Capital Power Multimedia Ltd to produce videos on their project “Expanding Political Participation of Women in Nigeria” . The Project is set against a background that recognizes inclusiveness as a key indicator of good governance and understands that Nigeria is faced with the challenge of non-inclusiveness in its governance processes with women being partly or excluded from participation in decision making processes.

6. Instructional Video Animation

GIZ Nigeria

As GIZ has a particular duty to ensure the safety and security of staff and their families in foreign countries, Capital Power Multimedia was contracted to animate the GIZ security instructional video for all their staff in Nigeria

7. Documentary Producer

Danish Refugee Council

Capital Power Multimedia was contracted by Danish Refugee Council to produce success story documentaries of their interventions in the frontline Northeast Nigeria. The Danish Refugee Council is implementing various programs and activities aimed at building the capacity of adolescent girls in Northeast Nigeria. These include providing education and vocational training, improving access to healthcare services, and promoting gender equality and empowerment.

8. Public Service Announcement Video Producer

UN Women and Search for Common Ground

UN Women and SFCG contracted Capital Power Multimedia Ltd to produce public serive announcement videos about Gender-inclusive peace processes: Strengthening women’s meaningful participation through constituency building in Northern Nigeria. It was broadcasted in TV Stations across Northern Nigeria

9. Success Story Documentary Producer

Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA)

MEDA and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) are working together to support women and youth-run businesses in the processing sector and food industry of Bauchi State, Nigeria. The project is working in three main value chains: rice, peanut, and soybean and also help women with alternative cooking stoves to save trees and reduce emission.

10. Fund Raising Campaign Video Producer

Plan International, UK

Capital Power Multimedia was contracted to work with Plan International team in Niger State to visit frontlines and film the ANRIN project success story which now forms Plan International United Kingdom Chance to Grow appeal that the world is donating hugely to.

11. Local Language Covid-19 Sensitization Animation Producer

Africa CDC and Co-Creation Hub

CcHUB, Africa CDC and GIZ support 8 African companies including Capital Power Multimedia Ltd to use smart ways to counter misinformation on COVID-19. with the grant, Capital power multimedia created over 15 animated videos localizing COVID-19 related information from the World Health Organization into indigenous African languages.

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