Capital Power Multimedia Limited

Digital Content Creation Training For Youths in Nigeria

The NBS says Nigeria unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in the QI of 2023. Over 80 million youths are currently unemployed causing increased crime rate, economic instability, poverty and social unrest. To confront this challenge, Capital Power Multimedia launched a Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria. The initiative aims to equip young Nigerians most especially girls with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the digital economy. The training program will cover a range of topics, including video production, photography, documentary, graphic design, social media marketing, and content strategy. The program will be delivered by expert instructors and will utilize state-of-the-art technology and high-quality training materials. Through this initiative, Capital Power Multimedia aims to empower  3600 young Nigerians in three years to become creators of high-quality digital content, positioning them for success in the global digital economy and using a local matching strategy to connect them with local and international employers that will subscribe to their services.

The Capital Power Multimedia’s Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria is an initiative aimed at equipping  100  young Nigerians monthly with the necessary skills and knowledge to create digital content and to commercialize them for consistent revenue. The project aims to empower youths in Nigeria with the skills to create digital content that meets the local and global market standard, thereby increasing their chances of employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. The training program is conducted in various locations across Nigeria, and open to youths between the ages of 18 and 35. after the training, all participants profiles and areas of expertise will be listed in a job matching website where employers will hire from.

The Digital Content Creation Training program is a comprehensive course that covers various aspects of digital content creation, including graphic design, video production, audio production, documentaries, drone technology, digital marketing and animation. The course will is delivered through a combination of online and offline training sessions, and facilitated by experienced trainers in the field of digital content creation.

The online training sessions is conducted via a learning management system that provides participants with access to course materials, video tutorials, and quizzes. The offline training sessions is conducted in various locations across Nigeria, and it provides participants with hands-on training on the use of digital content creation tools and software.

Participants are also provided with mentorship and coaching sessions to help them develop their skills and build their portfolios. The mentorship sessions is conducted by experienced professionals in the field of digital content creation who  provides participants with guidance on how to develop their skills and build their careers in the industry.

This program has the potential to create a significant impact on the lives of young Nigerians. By equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to create digital content, the program will increase their chances of finding employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the fast-growing digital content creation industry.

The program also contribute to the development of Nigeria’s digital economy by providing a pool of skilled digital content creators who can meet the demand for digital content in various sectors of the economy. This creates opportunities for young Nigerians to participate in the global digital economy and contribute to the growth of Nigeria’s economy.

Furthermore, the program will help to bridge the skills gap in Nigeria’s digital content creation industry by providing a platform for young Nigerians to develop their skills and build their careers. This will contribute to the development of a vibrant and competitive digital content creation industry in Nigeria, which will attract investment and create job opportunities for young Nigerians.

The Capital Power Multimedia’s Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria is executed through a series of activities and milestones to ensure the successful delivery of the training program. The following are the project activities and milestones:

Activity 1: Needs Assessment Survey

The project team conducts a needs assessment survey to identify the training needs of the target audience. The survey is conducted through online surveys and focus group discussions. The findings from the survey is used to develop the training curriculum.

Activity 2: Curriculum Development

The project team develops a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of digital content creation, including graphic design, photography, video production, documentary, audio production, and animation. The curriculum is developed by experienced trainers in the field of digital content creation.

Activity 3: Trainer Recruitment

The project team recruit experienced trainers to facilitate the training program. The trainers are selected based on their experience, qualifications, and expertise in digital content creation.

Activity 4: Training Delivery

The training program will is delivered through a combination of online and offline training sessions. The online training sessions is conducted via a learning management system that provides participants with access to course materials, video tutorials, and quizzes. The offline training sessions will be conducted in various locations across Nigeria, providing participants with hands-on training on the use of digital content creation tools and software.

Activity 5: Mentorship and Coaching

Participants will be provided with mentorship and coaching sessions to help them develop their skills and build their portfolios. The mentorship sessions will be conducted by experienced professionals in the field of digital content creation who will provide participants with guidance on how to develop their skills and build their careers in the industry.

Activity 6: Job Matching

A job matching website will be hosted to contain the profile of all the beneficiaries, this website will be shared with employers to match  them with employable Nigeria youth in the content creation field.

Milestone 1: Needs Assessment Survey Completion

The needs assessment survey will be completed within two weeks of project initiation.

Milestone 2: Curriculum Development Completion

The curriculum development will be completed within four weeks of project initiation.

Milestone 3: Trainer Recruitment Completion

The trainer recruitment process will be completed within six weeks of project initiation.

Milestone 4: Training Delivery Commencement

The training delivery will commence within eight weeks of project initiation and run for 24 months.

Milestone 5: Mentorship and Coaching Commencement

The mentorship and coaching sessions will commence within ten weeks of project initiation.

Milestone 6: Job Matching

The Job matching process will commence immediately after the training and will be sustained from AD revenue.

The Capital Power Multimedia’s Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria is a social enterprise aimed at empowering young Nigerians with the skills and knowledge to create digital content. To ensure the sustainability of the project, the business model will incorporate revenue streams from advertising and subscription fees for a job matching website.

The project will create a job matching website that will connect trained participants with potential employers. The website will be designed to cater to the needs of employers who are looking for skilled digital content creators. The website will generate revenue through advertising by allowing employers to advertise their job openings to a targeted audience of skilled and qualified digital content creators.

The advertising revenue model will be based on a pay-per-click (PPC) model. Employers will pay a fee each time someone clicks on their job posting. The website will use advanced targeting and analytics tools to ensure that job postings are seen by the right audience, maximizing the chances of successful job matches.

In addition to advertising revenue, the job matching website will also generate revenue through subscription fees. The website will offer premium features to employers, such as advanced search filters and priority placement of job postings. These premium features will be available to employers who subscribe to a premium membership plan.

The subscription fees will be based on a monthly or annual subscription model. Employers who subscribe to the premium membership plan will be charged a fee based on the number of job postings they create and the duration of their subscription. The premium membership plan will provide a recurring revenue stream for the business and ensure the sustainability of the job matching website.

In addition to advertising revenue and subscription fees, the project will also seek impact investment from social impact investors who are interested in supporting initiatives that empower young people in Nigeria. The impact investment will be used to fund the training program and provide support for participants who may need additional resources to launch their careers in digital content creation.

The impact investment model will be based on a social impact bond (SIB) model. Social impact investors will provide funding for the project, and they will receive a return on their investment based on the social impact achieved by the project. The social impact achieved by the project will be measured using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of participants who secure employment or start their own businesses after completing the training program.

The business model for the Capital Power Multimedia’s Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria is designed to ensure the sustainability of the project while creating value for participants, employers, and social impact investors. The advertising revenue and subscription fees generated by the job matching website will provide a recurring revenue stream for the business, while impact investment will provide additional funding to support the training program and provide resources for participants. By incorporating these revenue streams, the project will be able to achieve its mission of empowering young Nigerians with the skills and knowledge to create digital content while creating value for stakeholders

Capital Power Multimedia is a leading multimedia company in Nigeria that has been at the forefront of providing innovative multimedia solutions to businesses and individuals. With years of experience in the industry, Capital Power Multimedia has the capacity to implement the Digital Content Creation Training for Youths in Nigeria because we have piloted the training program empowering over 100 youths especially girls in the last four years.

Below are links of feedbacks from our past students


Capital Power Multimedia has a team of experienced professionals in the field of digital content creation who will facilitate the training program. These trainers have years of experience in the industry and have worked on various projects, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality training.

In addition, Capital Power Multimedia has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that will be used to deliver the training program. The facilities are equipped with the latest software and hardware tools required for digital content creation, ensuring that participants receive hands-on training using the latest technology.

Capital Power Multimedia also has a strong network of partners and stakeholders in the digital content creation industry. These partners and stakeholders will be involved in the project, providing support and guidance to participants during and after the training program. This will ensure that participants have access to a wide range of resources and opportunities to develop their skills and build their careers in digital content creation.

Furthermore, Capital Power Multimedia has a track record of delivering successful training programs in various industries. The company has a proven methodology for delivering training programs that are tailored to the specific needs of the target audience. This methodology includes conducting needs assessment surveys, developing comprehensive curriculums, recruiting experienced trainers, and providing mentorship and coaching sessions.

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Our training are run by professional filmmakers, all of whom have DBS checks and are experienced in working with diverse groups of young people and adults ranging from ages 1-60. CPM Training are fun, creative filmmaking and animation experiences for all ages.



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We are specialized in telling compelling and thought-provoking stories through film.
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We are specialized in telling compelling and thought-provoking stories through film.
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Graphic Design

Graphic Design

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Web Design

Web Design

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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

We are specialized in telling compelling and thought-provoking stories through film.
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